- Ingredients
- For jamuns
Dried milk powder - 100 gm
Melted ghee - 2 tbsp
Plain flour - 3 tbsp
Baking powder - ½ tsp
Milk or water to mix
Cardamom pow - ½ tsp
Oil for deep frying
- For the syrup:-
Granulated sugar - (250 gm)
Water - (200 ml)
Green cardamon - 6 nos
- Preparation method
Sieve the flour and milk powder into a bowl.Add the baking powder, and ground cardamon.Mix together.Pour in the melted ghee.Continue mixing and add the milk or water (warmed slightly) until you have a stiff dough.Leave to rest for 20 mins.After 20 minutes, the batter will have improved into a dough. Knead this and divide into 18 - 20 even balls.Heat the oil. Make sure that it is to temperature but is not too hot.Cook the jamuns very gently (in 2 batches if necessary) turning constantly. If the oil is at the correct temperature, they should rise after a minute or so.Keep turning the jamuns until they are a golden brown all over.Remove from the oil and allow to cool.Meanwhile, dissolve the sugar in the water with the cardamon pods.When the syrup is completely dissolved, drop in the jamuns and simmer for 5 mins.Squeeze them gently so they soak up the syrup.Serve immediately or chilled.
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